The Lord came to this earth and saved from sin those who are childlike. Then what does it mean that He saved such childlike people? It means God saved those who simply believed and followed what the Lord said without any doubt. Those who believe in God whole-heartedly do not have worldly desires. Because they do not have any attachment to the world, they think this way: “What is life? What am I? Where did I come from and where am I going? Why am I living? Do I live to eat? Or do I eat to live? The life that I see from birth through death is like the morning mist, like the early dew that disappears shortly. Life seems so meaningless. Things that are in this world are meaningless. As the author of the Book of Ecclesiastes said, ‘Vanity of vanities, all is vanity’ (Ecclesiastes 1:2).”
People commonly refer to Jesus as the King of Righteousness, the King of kings. Today, I want to share words with you, the words...
Many people living in this world today just live in hopelessness. However, I want to speak through this Word of God about the fact...
My foremost wish is for the gospel of the water and the Spirit to be spread throughout the whole world as soon as possible....